We also value healthy growth in the company

Lipoid was the first to offer a wide variety of phospholipids for use in the production of drug products. These products, including their specifications and testing methods, have been developed by Lipoid for manufacture on our large scale industrial production plants. We have investigated the possible applications in the pharmaceutical area as well as in the production of cosmetics and dietetics. Many pharmaceutical companies could develop their drug products using our raw materials. In general, Lipoid offers all types of lecithin and phospholipids suitable for various applications on an industrial scale. We supply natural, hydrogenated, and synthetic phospholipids. All products are developed and manufactured under strict cGMP conditions on an industrial scale.

Today worldwide we are:

  • The leading manufacturer of lecithin fractions and phospholipids of plant origin

  • The leading manufacturer of specialised egg lecithin fractions and phospholipids

  • The leading manufacturer of hydrogenated lecithin fractions and phospholipids

  • One of the leading manufacturers of synthetic phospholipids

The majority of approved drugs containing phospholipids are prepared using raw materials from Lipoid. For the future, we will continue to develop high-value and innovative substances, systems, and applications for the benefit of the general public

Our Philosophy

  • Quality Orientation

  • Naturalness/Sustainability

  • Social Awareness

Our Vision

Better global health and wellbeing by investing in technology and quality.

Our Mission

We provide high-quality substances, systems, and applications to enable the development of innovative products for the health benefit of generations.



Sustainability by use of natural, renewable raw materials

Ever since the company was founded, Lipoid has been strongly committed to the development and manufacture of natural products based on renewable raw materials. We always recommend considering the use of natural phospholipids for almost all applications. However, high-quality synthetic phospholipids are also part of our sophisticated portfolio.


Sustainability by using and processing by-products

Lecithin is the most important by-product of the edible oil processing industry because of its functionality and wide application not only in food systems but also in industrial utilities, such as pharmaceutical applications or in the health nutrition and cosmetic sectors. These by-products are manufactured in complex production processes to obtain special, highly purified phospholipids for so many different applications.


Recycling of auxiliary chemicals and nearly waste-free production

Sustainability through careful and conscious handling of high-quality raw materials and auxiliary materials has always shaped our thinking and acting and is the focus of our constant process optimization. Auxiliaries are collected, purified, and reused in our value chains. By-products from manufacturing are sold to the animal food industry, reducing waste to a minimum.



Worldwide projects for tangible improvements to the lives of people

The Lipoid Stiftung (Foundation) was established for the promotion of non-profit and charitable purposes, in particular for the support of children with disabilities and children who grow up under difficult living conditions. The Lipoid Stiftung considers the respect and protection of human dignity as well as the prevention of its infringement to be its most important, ethical mission.

LIPOID stiftung supports children in need

Sustainability is the essential core and the guiding principle of the Lipoid Stiftung.




Acting Ethically and Lawfully Ensures our Long-Term Success

For Lipoid, compliance means acting in accordance with external and internal rules. These rules can be imposed by external laws and regulations or defined internally by programs, procedures, and controls. Responsible, ethically correct, and lawful action is as elementary for the success of Lipoid as our customer orientation and the quality of our products.

The essential guidelines for our actions are therefore described in our Code of Conduct. It is mandatory for all Lipoid employees worldwide and is intended to help identify risks and thus prevent violations of the law.