About the Lipoid Group

Established in 1977, Lipoid was the first to offer a wide variety of phospholipids for use in the production of drug products. These products, including their specifications and testing methods, have been developed by Lipoid to manufacture products for applications in the pharmaceutical area as well as for cosmetics and dietetics.

Today the Lipoid group is the leading manufacturer of high-quality lecithin fractions and phospholipids for many different applications.

For more information about the Lipoid Group visit


The Lipoid Stiftung

Lipoid Kosmetik is part of the German Lipoid Stiftung (Foundation). The Lipoid Stiftung was established for the promotion of non-profit and charitable purposes, in particular for the support of children with disabilities and children who grow up under difficult living conditions. The Lipoid Stiftung considers the respect and protection of human dignity as well as the prevention of its infringement to be its most important, ethical mission.

LIPOID stiftung supports children in need

A better quality of life for children in need.
