Our CSR Policies

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach is put into practice with specific policies. These policies break down our commitment into concrete action plans. These action plans inform our internal targets and continuously drive our processes towards greater environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Logo Lipoid Kosmetik Environment Policy

Environmental Policy 

We are committed to an effective strategy for environmental protection that does not only conform to the complex requirements of current environmental laws, but goes beyond, by respecting voluntary standards and in-house requirements. We are guided by principles of sustainability and ethical behavior to ensure that we leave behind an intact ecological structure for future generations. We take responsibility for the health and safety of our employees and customers, and the protection of the environment and its natural resources. We are therefore committed to avoiding pollution, minimizing our environmental impact by using resources responsibly, protecting the environment and conserving biodiversity.

Access and Benefit Sharing  

The Nagoya Protocol on ABS is a new international treaty introduced at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. The protocol has been in force since October 12, 2014. Its objective is the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources, thereby contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and implementing the three objectives of the CBD:

  • The conservation of biological biodiversity
  • The sustainable use of its components
  • The fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources
Logo Lipoid Kosmetik ABS Policy

Lipoid Kosmetik is a leading manufacturer of high-quality botanical extracts and natural phospholipid products for the cosmetic and personal care industry. Our products are impacted by ABS regulations to varying degrees depending on the claims made and the plant material used.

We are not only affected by the ABS legislation but are also convinced that this is the right path to work towards a fair distribution of resources around the globe. We make every effort to use due diligence where applicable.

Logo Lipoid Kosmetik Palm Oil Policy

Palm Oil Policy 

Excessive consumption of palm oil leads to many environmental and social issues along the supply chain, hence, the importance of sustainable palm oil production increases each year. Sustainable and responsible behavior,  ̶  based on environmental, social, and economic actions ­ ̶  is a fundamental part of Lipoid Kosmetik’s business philosophy. For that reason, we have a long history regarding the use of sustainable palm oil and its derivatives. It has been part of our purchasing specification for years. Further, Lipoid Kosmetik is a member of RSPO since 2017.

Since October 2020 Lipoid Kosmetik is certified according to the RSPO Supply Chain Standard, Mass Balance. Our RSPO certification number (RSPO 7-02527-2020) can be found on the Product Composition Sheet and the Certificate of Analysis of all concerned products. This certification confirms that we contribute to the production of sustainable palm oil by using palm oil derived from sustainable supply chains based on either Mass balance (MB), Segregated (SG), or Identity Preserved (IP).

We are proud to have achieved this certification, which further strengthens our position as an outstanding supplier of sustainable cosmetic ingredients.

Purchasing Policy

We pay a lot of attention to the careful selection of our raw materials in order to assure the quality and safety of our products. We achieve this with a strict supplier qualification program and detailed raw material qualifications.

Logo Lipoid Kosmetik Purchasing Policy
Logo Lipoid Kosmetik Safety Policy

Safety Policy

We care about the occupational health and safety at the workplace and have committed ourselves to maintain safe working conditions at our premises for all stakeholders.

The information security and data protection are key to protect our business and assure business continuity for our customers. We defined appropriate plans and measures on a high level to assure the integrity of data over its entire life cycle.