Improving Our Carbon Footprint

A key goal is to improve our CO2 footprint. By optimizing our processes and investing in efficient technologies, we maximize our energy efficiency while taking responsibility for minimizing our CO2 footprint.

Energy Efficiency

Optimizing our energy efficiency is our top priority. We use 100 % green electricity (mainly water power) and energy-saving technologies.

Together with the Swiss Energy Agency for Industry (EnAW), we set up an energy efficiency plan in 2010. By realizing our EnAW energy efficiency plan, we directly reduce our carbon footprint. Each year within the 10-year action plan, we implemented defined energy efficiency measures and reported them back to the EnAW. In 2021, we will extend the measures for another 10 years. By implementing the EnAW energy efficiency plan, we were able to reduce our energy consumption by 460 GJ and our CO2 emissions by 18.4 t CO2-eq.

EnAW Certificate

Climate Protection

We have had a successful partnership with myclimate for several years. myclimate, a nonprofit based in Switzerland, is a world leading foundation for voluntary carbon offsetting measures. In cooperation with myclimate, we report our carbon footprint according to the Green House Gas Protocol Scope 1 and 2 and continually challenge our CO2-footprint.

Partnership with myclimate to compensate our carbon footprint

We contribute to climate protection in cooperation with myclimate and finance a climate protection project in the amount of our calculated emissions according to Scope 1/2. We have now been supporting the Gold Standard project “Substitution of open fireplaces with energy-efficient cooking stoves” for over 10 years. With our support for this project, more efficient stoves instead of open fireplaces are installed in Kenyan households. This has positive effects on people’s health and budget and further reduces deforestation in the area.

myclimate Confirmation

For more information, please refer to our myclimate project.