Logo Application Category Radiance & Evenness
Logo Application Category Light Protection

Natural and artificial blue light damages skin and induces premature aging. Nature’s answer to blue light are carotenoids, which shield blue light and protect against blue-light induced oxidative stress. Besides the photo-protective activity, topically applied carotenoids can optimize our skin color, shifting pale and dull skin tones to a more lively appearance.

Lipoid Kosmetik’s active ingredient Carotolino is based on the unique combination of carrot root extract, carrot seed oil and β-carotene, all united in a basis of canola oil in order to provide perfectly stabilized carotenoids. Carotolino shows efficacy in shielding blue light, neutralizing blue light-induced ROS, and supporting a healthy and vivid skin color and was awarded the 3rd prize at the BSB Innovation Awards in 2019 and won the PCHi Fountain Award in 2020.

In essence, Carotolino incorporates the best of carrots including stabilized carotenoids. It reduces blue light-induced skin damage while at the same time adds a vivid look. The award-winning botanical active is a trendy ingredient that synergistically targets the protection and liveliness of modern skin.


Logo Natural Origin content ISO 16128
Logo preservative-free
Logo Palm Oil free
Logo vegan
Logo HALAL conform
Logo China INCI Listed


Logo BSB Innovation Award 2019 Cosmetics 3rd Prize
Logo PCHI Fountain Award 2020

For more information about Carotolino or any of our other Actives and Botanicals, please use the Product Finder.